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Social networking dominates our time on smartphones and tablets


The Los Angeles Times’ Dawn Chmielewski (@DawnC331) reported yesterday that Americans are using their smartphones and tablets for social networking in a big way. This per a new report from Nielsen.

Smartphone users spent 9 hours and 6 minutes a month on social networks — say, posting status updates on Facebook, tweeting their thoughts to followers on Twitter or checking-in on Foursquare. Apple iPad users devoted 3 hours and 41 minutes a month to social networks.

By comparison, smartphone users spent about 1 hour and 15 minutes a month streaming video on the device, and around 1 hour and 11 minutes engaged in sports, Nielsen reported. iPad users invested more time watching video on the device’s larger screen — about 1 hour and 48 minutes a month, (with 50 minutes on sports), Nielsen found.

The time on mobile apps greatly exceeds usage of the mobile Web via a browser on smartphones and tablets. Smartphone users spent about 87% of their time engaged via mobile apps, with just 13% of their time on a mobile browser. The same is true of iPad users, who spent 76% of their time using mobile apps.

What does this mean for lawyers and law firms?

  • You need to learn how to use that computer in your pocket or your palm for networking. Networking to build relationships and enhance your reputation.
  • You need to use the popular apps others are using for networking. Browsing the ‘old way’ is slow and tedious. Start using your time wisely and enjoy yourself.
  • Your clients and their influencers are out engaging each other via social networks on mobile. Most lawyers will be too lazy or afraid to avail themselves of the opportunity this presents. Be that one in a hundred who engages their target audience where they are networking.

I shared yesterday that Americans are leaving the desktop and going to mobile. When they’re on mobile they’re networking.

Image courtesy of Flickr by SalFalko.