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Wisconsin’s Legal Blogging Community: A Model for Other State Bar Associations

Illustrated map of the state of Wisconsin in United States

Illustrated map of the state of Wisconsin in United States with cities and landmarks. Editable vector illustration

March 27, 2024

I noticed this morning that the State Bar of Wisconsin shared a recent blog post of mine with Wisconsin lawyers.

My post provided lawyers with tips on how to blog more efficiently. How to get more done on the blogging front in less time.

Sure, it was nice to have my ideas shared with Wisconsin lawyers, but I was most struck the community of blogging lawyers that Wisconsin is building.

As part of this community, the Wisconsin Bar helps law blogs reach a wider community and highlights legal bloggers and their work.

The center of the community, online, is at WisLawNow. Check it if you have not done so already.

In addition to the online presence, I’m impressed with the enthusiasm the Wisconsin Bar has put into this effort.

An effort that helps lawyers and the public.

It’s not easy building a book of business as a lawyer. Blogging gets lawyers on the map and builds a reputation.

For the public it’s not easy finding the right lawyer when you need help. The Internet is full of lawyer ads, SEO fueled websites and content marketing not written by lawyers.

Nothing inherently wrong with that, but why not look for a lawyer who has personally shared their expertise with the public and is recognized by other lawyers as an authority in their niche as a result of their blogging.

As the Wisconsin Bar said on Facebook, “…Join the State Bar’s law-blog community WisLawNOW! It’s free and will help you reach a wider audience.

For other bar associations, give me a call or drop me an email, I’ll share how Wisconsin has built this law blog community on its WisLawNow site. Easier than you think and a service for your members and the public.

Wisconsin is not alone, the Illinois and Arizona Bars have law blog communities of their own.