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Top 10 Online Technology Mistakes Law Firms Make Today – Free LexBlog Webinar on September 16

September 1, 2015

Registration is now open for LexBlog’s upcoming free webinar on law firm online technology. Join us to learn what you must do (or not do) to be perceived as a credible, with-the-times firm with minimal cyber risk.

About the Event

If you’ve ever worked with a law firm partner who responded to your email with a handwritten note circulated via intra-office mail, you know law firms can be some of the last to fully understand and adopt technology best practices.

At LexBlog, we want you to steer clear of common pitfalls as you utilize online technology.

Join us as we clarify everything from the basics such as risky website user passwords to more complex choices like software-use fit.

We’ll do our best to provide these insights in laymen’s terms and help you understand what issues you need to prioritize so your clients and potential clients recognize you as having your technology act together.

We recommend this webinar for any legal professional involved in making decisions and policies around use of online technology including (but not limited to):

  • Marketing technology professionals
  • Chief technology officers
  • Chief information officers
  • Chief knowledge officers
  • Directors of communication
  • Attorneys involved in the law firm technology policies

DATE: Wednesday, September 16, 2015
TIME: 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. PDT (Not in PDT? Convert this to your zone here.)

Register here.

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