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Google+ may be an inevitable part of law firm's content marketing strategy

January 16, 2012

google+ logo law firmsLove it or hate, don’t have enough time for it, or think Google’s new Search, plus Your World is evil, it simply doesn’t matter. Google+ is an inevitable part of your content marketing strategy writes lawyer and Founder and CEO of Copyblogger Media, Brian Clark, this morning.

It’s in your best interests for your business to work diligently to build up a network at Google+ with content, conversation, and the occasional personal photos, says Clark.

Social media marketing is actually content marketing.


Because people love to share content on social networks.

If that content is yours, you’re being introduced to new people with every share … to people who now have an opportunity to know, like, and trust you enough to buy from you.

Clark believes Google+ may just become more important than Facebook or Twitter when it comes to deciding where to focus your limited time and effort.

Since I first wrote about Google+ shortly after it launched, the search giant’s “social network” has grown to an estimated 67 million users as of November 2011, closing fast on Twitter’s stated 100 million active users. This kind of growth should put to rest claims that Google+ is dead or dying, and yet isn’t as meteoric as it could be given Google’s huge existing user base.

But the real growth of Google+ could be just ahead.

The main points I stressed in my original article were that Google+ is an excellent content sharing platform, and that the data gleaned from sharing and other activity would have a direct influence on Google’s search results. I said:

Building an audience on Google+ may be the smartest thing you do as a content marketer when it comes to improved search rankings. You still need to understand the language of your audience and reflect it back in your content, but Google will now have direct indications that you’re putting out quality stuff.

As of last week, Google did more with Google+ and search results than I (and most everyone else) expected. Much more.

Clark joins leading technology evangelist, Robert Scoble, as the second person I follow in championing the merit of spending time on Google+. Makes me take note.

Google+ provides you four attractive things: networking platform, publishing platform, social platform (people will share what you say) and an SEO enhancer. Those are hard to resist for companies using their content to build relationships, engage others, and enhance their reputation – like law firms.