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Lack of blog discussion from ILTA sign that innovation is lacking

August 25, 2006

In what may be the latest sign legal technology innovation is an oxymoron was the total lack of Internet discussion from or about ILTA’s annual conference which took place this last week in Orlando. ILTA (International Legal Technology Association) is a leading networking organization allowing for the exchange of resources to legal professionals.

Virtually all tech conferences these days have a steady stream of blog posts reporting live, or at least daily, from attendees. Laptops are open on desktops with near simultaneous reporting via WIFI hookup.

Posts can be picked up by subscribing to attendees’ blogs, keyword feeds from Technorati and feeds of tagged posts from Technorati. The ongoing discussion benefits both attendees and non-attendees alike during and after the conference. We get people’s perceptions on presentations, reports of networking and discussions taking place at the conference. This blog discussion continues for a good time after the conference is over and is archived at Google and Technorati.

When I heard from colleagues that ILTA was on I set up a keyword and tag feed for ILTA from Technorati. I did pick up a few posts over the week but it paled in comparison to other technology conferences.

Leading legal technology folks need to be using blogs and RSS feeds on a regular basis. One, because this medium of business communication (blogs and RSS) is quickly making web sites and email outmoded means of business communication. You need to be taking your firms to the future. Second, advancement of knowledge via offline networking crawls compared the speed at which ideas advance via blogs and RSS.

My post is not meant to be critical of ILTA or their conference. I have heard their organization is very worthwhile and that their conferences are excellent. But if members of ILTA are going to be innovative in their use of technology, they better get with it.

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