Big Ideas Focused On Care and Generosity Are the Ones That Make a Difference
Marketer and author, Seth Godin, writes, this morning, about your big idea and why it’s definitely worth pursuing.
“It’s probably not completely original.
It’s probably not breathtaking in scope.
It’s probably not immediately popular.
But… it’s definitely worth pursuing, consistently and persistently for years and years.
If you care. If it’s generous and helpful and worth the journey.
All the big ideas that made a difference follow this pattern.“
Resonates with me. I’ve chased ideas before, and I’m chasing a new one.
Always out of care, generosity and the desire to help people.
Focusing on the more people we can help opposed to how much money we can make is scary, but works.
I put up a forty by eighty inch map of the world on the wall off my office this week.
The purpose being to track the progress of LexBlog’s goal of a worldwide legal blogging community.
Every legal blog and legal blogger in the world reflected in one place, syndicated to partner publications and included in legal research and AI platforms.
Not necessarily breathtaking. We can find every blogger, contact them and get their permission for inclusion and syndication.
If it takes years, that’s okay.
LexBog had seven customer legal blogs after one year and about sixty after two years. Blogs were not immediately popular.
We’re building the community because we care about lawyers and the people they serve.
We’re looking to making legal services more accessible by making lawyers more relevant, more trusted and more authentic.
Maybe, like Godin says, a big idea that makes a difference.