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LexBlog Network adding blog publications by the day

February 8, 2019

I’m little slow sharing an email I received from LexBlog’s Associate Editor, Melissa Lin, a couple weeks ago.

Gave me goosebumps to feel her excitement and passion and to know we were on our way to showcasing blogs and bloggers, worldwide. I thought it a perfect way to share with you how the LexBlog network is growing.  


As I announced at our company goals meeting last week, the publishing team will add 1000 member blogs to the LexBlog network by the end of 2019. 

We have added 76 feeds since starting the project and 16 of those were from this week alone! I’m hoping to keep this momentum going and want to remind everyone that if there’s a blog we’re missing, to please let me or others on publishing team know. 

Here are all the blogs we added this week:

A few of my favorites: 

The Asylumist: Published by Immigration Attorney, Jason Dzubow, an awesome blog related to all things related to political asylum in the U.S. The author gets hundreds of comments from people seeking advice on their asylum applications and he responds to nearly all of them. Written by a true advocate for refugees and asylum seekers.

Sentencing Law and Policy: Published by Ohio’s State University Law School Professor, Douglas Berman, this is the first blog to be cited the U.S. Supreme Court.6 

Religion Clause: University of Toledo Law Professor Howard Friedman, covers cases about religious discrimination in the workplace, religious abuse, and clarification on government restrictions on religion.


Some of the blogs are better than others, and some of their posts are more likely to be featured on page one, channels and social media, but none the less, the network, and the pool to draw on, is growing. 

When Bob Ambrogi, LexBlog’s Publisher and Editor-In-Chief, shared his vision a year ago that LexBlog was going to be be the largest and most comprehensive legal news and commentary publication in the world, I thought he might be off his rocker.

No longer. By any measure, whether it be the number of legal publications, the number of columnists/bloggers or web traffic, LexBlog is on its way to becoming the largest and most comprehensive legal news and commentary site.

LexBlog’s evolving into a legal publisher has caused some confusion. So it’s clear, we continue to provide the most professional, the most complete and most cost effective publishing solutions to the legal community.

LexBlog’s professional turnkey blog solution, which brought blogging to the legal profession fifteen years ago, remains the most popular blog platform in legal. Over 18,000 legal bloggers call the LexBlog platform home.

But who we are is you. We’ll celebrate great bloggers, great publishers, great blogs and great publications. 

So upfront at LexBlog, you’ll witness this celebration in the form of an improving legal news and commentary site comprised of legal bloggers, world-wide.

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