Niches lead to riches in legal blogsophere
Seth Godin’s ‘Everyone and no one‘ is a good read for lawyers who fear blogging on niche area of the law.
If you try to please everyone, the few you don’t delight will either ruin your day or ruin your sense of what sort of product you should make.
And if you believe the critic who insists that no one is going to like what you made, you will walk away from a useful niche.
While presenting on an ABA TechShow panel regarding marketing on the Internet a few years ago, Greg Siskind told the audience that niches lead to riches. His point being that it’s a heck of a lot easier for a lawyer to establish a word of mouth reputation as an authority by marketing to a niche than marketing as a generalist.
Rather than blog on IP law, why not IP law for the pharmaceutical industry? You can still do IP work for those outside the pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, you’ll have the opportunity to become a well known lawyer in the pharmaceutical industry.
It’s easier to blog on a niche.
- Easier to identify the reporters and bloggers covering the industry whom you’ll want to engage.
- Easier to identify associations and conferences for the industry you’ll build relationships with.
- Easier to identify LinkedIn groups to join and participate in.
- Easier to identify the executives and in-house counsel to engage.
- Easier to identify keywords and key phrases to follow in Google News and Google Blog Search.
Forget the critics who’ll tell you that your audience will be too narrow. Get over your fears that’ll paint yourself into a corner. Blogging on a niche can lead to riches.