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7 tips for pitching your law blog to the firm

No question you need to address many of the items in my checklist, including ethics and frequency of posts, but here’s 7 additional tips for pitching your blog idea to your law firm.

Comes from Deb Ng whose tips were for getting your blog picked up by a blog network, but I thought them equally applicable for lawyers wanting to get firm approval for a blog.

Here’s Deb’s tips with some additional commentary from me.

  • Possible name and available domain names.
  • A detailed description.
  • Statistics regarding the niche, ie, potential for growth in this legal niche, number of lawyers focused on niche in your locale.
  • Links to other similar blogs.
  • How you plan on making it different from others in the niche.
  • Who do you feel will read this blog?
  • How do you plan on promoting your blog?

It’s been my experience over the last 5 years that law blog proposals that are well researched and presented in a reasoned way anticipating the issues firm management will raise have a much higher chance of law firm buy in.

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