No two law bloggers are alike
That’s the word from Oregon law librarian, Laura Orr.
…[N]o two bloggers are alike. You need to find your niche and your own writer’s voice. This is why blogging is fun, creative, and, like any writing, on occasion deeply satisfying.
Couldn’t agree more. A new client asked yesterday, what happens if another workers’ comp law blog springs up in his metro area. Told him to relax, all lawyers are different. Some clients will be attracted to him and some another lawyer who may be blogging. There’s plenty of work to go around and if more of it goes to lawyers giving of themselves through blogging that’s great.
With 20 years experience in academic and public law libraries, including work at Yale Law School and Willamette Law School, Laura wonders why we don’t have more lawyers blogging.
Oregon is filled with writers of all stripes, but surprisingly, at least to me, is that so few Oregon attorneys blog. Blogging is a good way to stretch those writing muscles, not to mention those legal analysis mental sinews.
I always tell lawyers who ask about blogging that you don’t have to go public with your first blog. You can try blogging in the privacy of your own (offline) computer. You might not like it, you might find it too much work, but you might also find it very satisfying, if not therapeutic. (It’s also, as Justice Bedsworth says about his monthly essays, a way to get it out of your system. We all need that.)
And you’ve got to love the way Laura wraps things up. ‘And, if I’ve managed to persuade at least one more Oregon lawyer to blog, I have been a good little law librarian.’