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Family law pipes?

January 9, 2008

Family Law PipesNick Holmes, a publishing consultant specializing in the UK legal sector, has created a FamilyLawPipe aggregating UK family law feeds with Yahoo Pipes. From Nick:

…Yahoo Pipes is a service from Yahoo which enables you to take inputs from RSS feeds and other XML etc files, manipulate them (eg sort, filter, truncate etc) and then output the result as an RSS feed or other format – all using a neat drag and drop interface.

So, in this case, the FamilyLawPipe takes 13 family law blog feeds, sorts their entries by date and outputs the latest 50 to a single feed.

After early fanfare, YahooPipes hasn’t taken off like folks thought it would. But what Nick’s done is a nice idea and something lawyers here in the States ought to pick up on. Being a mini ticker-tape on a niche subject via feeds is not only a nice resource for others, but lets others know of your expertise and commitment by virtue of you following the subject.

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