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Ten tips for how to get noticed on the Internet

August 17, 2006

Allison Shields, a former administrative law firm partner and now law firm consultant, provides 10 tips on how to get noticed on the Internet.

It’s worth a read. Some of the tips may be very basic but I’ve seen a lot of law firms and professional service firms fail to cover the basics. My favorites that cover blogs, as well as websites:

  • Practice ‘education marketing’ – make sure that your website and your other marketing materials provide value to those in your target market. Educate them about your area of practice. Let them know that you know what their needs are, and that you have a solution that will benefit them.
  • Remember the ‘so what’ rule – for everything you write on your website, stand in your clients’ and potential clients’ shoes. As you’re reading, ask yourself ‘so what?’ Why should your clients or potential clients care about what you’re saying? Focus on what’s in it for them, and speak in their language – using a lot of technical legal terms will confuse your readers, and they may not come back.
  • Make sure to have not only good content, but current content, on your site. If you want people to come back, they have to have a reason to think there will be something new for them when they return. Offer them something THEY want – be a resource for your target market. Become the place to go for people who are seeking answers in your area of concentration.
  • Don’t try to be all things to all people – carve out your niche. To get noticed, you have to be different than everyone else out there. Showcase your unique talents, skills and personality. Make sure web visitors know why you are the one that understands their particular problem.

Though Allison is just getting started with her blog, it’s a worthwhile one for law firms to add to their RSS feeds.

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