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Have a business? Get a blog

Doug Caverly, staff writer for WebProNews, writes ‘Have A Business? Get A Blog.’

More and more people are finding blogs to be an effective business tool. Blogs can generate helpful feedback, solidify a customer base, and even draw in new clients. They are an especially cost-effective tool, as they can generally be maintained for little or no money.

As support and caution, Caverly quotes Ruth Bielobocky, president of Ion Design.

A blog can be a great part of your marketing effort, but it should be planned appropriately with strategy in place . . . . Don’t forget the true needs of your target audience. If the information from the blog doesn’t directly help them solve a problem or address their wants and needs, it will not work.

You guys may be getting sick of me of evangelizing blogs. But I’m still asked once a day if these things really work for marketing.

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