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Bloomberg TV: Greenfield v. O'Keefe: Is lawyer social media just marketing hype?

February 6, 2012

During my week in New York I had the pleasure of appearing on Bloomberg Law TV in a segment hosted by Edward Adams (@edadams), Multimedia Editor at Bloomberg Law.

I was joined by my friend and colleague, New York Attorney Scott Greenfield (@scottgreenfield), to discuss whether the use of social media by lawyers and law firms is just marketing hype.

Those of you who know Greenfield, know that he’s often at the opposite side of the spectrum from me. Though a great blogger at Simple Justice, Greenfield makes the case that social media is swamped by those lawyers just looking to get followers and make un-warranted name for themselves. I may be painting broadly but I’m close on Greenfield’s position.

Though there’s always some bad with the good, I’m of the firm belief that social media offers lawyers a ton. Both as a way to become a better lawyer and as way to get legal work the old fashioned way — by networking to build relationships and enhance your reputation as a good lawyer.

Take a look at the Bloomberg segment. It’s only nine minutes. And thanks Scott and Ed, I enjoyed myself.