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Where to find free images and photos for your blog

Photos blog from FlickrSeth Godin shares this morning that Flickr can be a great source of photos for a presentation or website or brochure.

Go to advanced search, choose Creative Commons Commercial license and search away. The breadth is extraordinary, but what will amaze you is the quality. And the license is a generous gift from the photographer to you.

You may need to give attribution the photographer (perhaps linking the photo back to flickr account) and be limited in altering the photo. Check details on the various Creative Commons licenses at Flickr.

Perhaps we could get Denise Howell or Brett Trout to add a comment clarifying blogger’s legal rights to use photos under Creative Commons at Flickr. They have more expertise on this subject than me.

Seth says to be sure to check out the HDR images, and don’t forget to sort by “Most Interesting.”

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